
Statistics by INEGI (2021)

From  July to  December, 13.5% of the  18  and over age population were victims of harassment or sexual violence. The percentage for women was 20%, while for men was 5.5%

During the second semester, 32.7%  of the 18  and over age population had a problem directly with an authority that involved violence or inefficiency.

During the second semester of  2021  at national level, 35.2% of the houses had at least one victim of robbery or extortion.

                 49%                  43.1%

During 2021, Mexico registered 1004 femicides, 2.66% more than 2020 (are increasing).

If you want to learn more about Mexico's situation, check the following material:

-Document by INEGI.

-This video talks about the vulnerability of some groups (like indigenous communities):



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